Sarasota Housing Authority Resident's Association

Friday, May 12, 2006

Redevelopment Process Moves Forward

About three weeks ago, the housing authority issued a "request for qualifications" to find qualified and interested developers for the public housing redevelopment project.

Ten companies responded - three with Florida experience and seven others.

The developers with Florida experience are:

A committee including Bill Russell and Karen Curry from the Housing Authority's staff; public housing residents Valerie Buchand and Marjory Mack; Gail Miller, chief finance officer for Sarasota County; John Hawthorne Newtown Redevelopment manager; and the Rev. Patrick Miller of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Newtown will evaluate the qualifications of the developers on a point system based on various factors such as experience with public housing, Florida experience, etc.

The housing authority and the consultant group hired to help select the developer will then negotiate with the top ranked companies to choose the best developer for the Sarasota project. Selection is targeted for early summer.

The SHT article about this process is linked here.


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