Sarasota Housing Authority Resident's Association

Friday, June 16, 2006

Carmen Valenti Comments on Recent Post

The following comments are offered in response to the June 13, 2006 posting. [Submitted by Carmen Valenti, HUD Receiver for SHA].

Having read the posting we felt that certain comments presented were either inaccurate or misleading. In addition to the comments below I would like to add that at the Newtown meeting referred to in this posting a number of neighboring residents did raise concerns relative to the height issue. Furthermore, the "local developers" comment that elevators are not expensive may be a relative comment, our research has indicated that elevators would add a cost of approximately $150,000 per cab. On the issue of water retention vaulting, we have publically said on numerous occasions that water retention vaulting was being considered but it would be a very costly option and would greatly increase the estimated funding gap. More than likely to achieve our intended affordability goal this cost would need to be borne entirely with public funds. The comment that,"in general the RFP does not mention residents and the developers responsibility to them," is totally inaccurate. Concerning the number of public housing units it has always been the position of the HA to try to achieve the greatest number of public housing units as possible within land and financing constraints, and have expressed a willingness to consider increased density. In closing I would like to add that all of the evaluation criteria utilized in the RFQ/RFP were established by the seven member committee, and not unilaterally by the HA.


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